"A real game changer! My little one didn't like some of the other swaddles I've tried, but these are magical. We're all so grateful for the extra sleep!" - Pink
'I loved it, my boy slept so much better and longer. Highly recommended, my child has been using it since she was a newborn. Very soft and stretchy material! I'll keep using them until she outgrows them.'Äú
These products are a godsend! My little one can't sleep without her 'pyjamas' (our name for the Swaddle Up product). It's part of our nighttime routine, so she knows it's time to sleep as soon as she puts the suit on, and she's asleep in minutes!
My boy absolutely loves it. His absolute favorite piece. It gives him the comfort and warmth he needs for a good night's sleep. I wouldn't buy anything other than Love to Dream for him because he doesn't think so
My little girl loves the feeling of being swaddled and having her arms in an upright position. And the zipper makes it super quick to put on after a diaper change. Highly recommended!